Nota del Blogguista:
El busto tiene una altura de 25 pies; tiene fecha para ser develado el próximo 8 de noviembre.
Hola Ciudadanos
Como dicen los hermanos en dolor, los Venezolanos.
Yo soy nieta de mambises y sobrina de un intelectual negro cubano que fue el periodista que preparó el viaje de Castro a Harlem, el cual, dicho sea de paso, fue amigo de Castro y terminó humillado, vejado y despreciado por él, al darse cuenta de quien es en verdad este Genocida.
A Castro no se le ha conocio nunca una mujer o amiga negra

Señores, los Negros de Harlem deben aprender de la cantidad de dinero que Castro recibió de las compañias petroleras en África a cambio de los servicios de los negros cubanos.
A los negros de Harlem hay que preguntarles que pasó con Anthony Brynt Brown, el pantera negro que fue precursor de la pirateria aérea hacia Cuba y que después de reclarmarle a Castro por sus mentiras no por humanitario terminó en las mazmorras Castristas; ese Anthony el cual padeció largos años en las cárceles cubanas y que salió gracias a gestiones de organismos humanitarias.
Negros de Harlem: deben leer el libro de Bryant y dejen de predicar falsedades. En Cuba los negros solo tienen miseria, desilusión y sufren de la degradación mayor de la historia de Cuba, y ellos los NEGROS, lo único que pueden es ver como sus hijas y mujeres tienen que venderse al mejor postor patrocinado por Castro el Humanitario. Recuerden el episodio protagonizado en NY hace algunos años cuando la Revista Playboy publicó un retrato en Cuba de José Martí, el Apóstol cubano, el cual su estatua esta ahí donde los Negros de Harlem quieren homenajear al tirano con una propaganda de mujeres negras.
Yo soy, les repito nieta, sobrina y mujer de víctimas de Castro, pues mi actual marido, ex-piloto cubano negro que luchó en contra del abuso racial en África hacia las mayorías negras, el cual sufrió cárcel al lado de Anthony Bryant por también revirársele al Humanitario de Castro, tiene cicatrices imborrables de sus verdugos castristas y está vivo y puede dar testimonio de toda esta tragedia.
Basta ya Harlem, de vivir en una mentira. Quizás deban preguntarle a su mejor amigo, el Presidente Clinton, por una lección de la verdad del Genocida de Castro (el nuevo Hitler, Stalin y Mao) que él si bien conoce, pues la doctora Loreta Cole, su amiga y jefa de su personal en la Casa Blanca, dicen que perteneció a las brigadas del genocida moribundo de Castro. Dejen el busto para cuando los cubanos esclavos de la isla cubana puedan develarlo y velarlo al nivel que él se merece.
Una cubana NEGRA dispuesta a gritarles la verdad del Racista de Castro a los negros de Castro, para que Harlem no se siga manchando con la nefasta imagen de Castro.
Por favor, visiten el enlace que aparece ABAJO. Si se sienten tan insultados como yo después de leer el texto y de ver el videoclip (que podrán visitar desde esa página), pasen esto a todas las personas que ustedes consideren capaces de poder expresar su indignidad dirigiéndose a todos los medios, ministerios, y organizaciones pertinentes. Si no se sienten motivados, pues tomen la noticia como una mas dentro de nuestro maravilloso cuadro de libre expresión.
Aparentemente, según quienes han decidido honrar a Castro como HUMANITARIO, sus admiradores en Harlem y el escultor David Edwards, el legado de Castro no está basado en hechos bien documentados, sino en "impresiones" manifestadas subjetivamente por distintos grupos en diferentes puntos geográficos: Harlem que lo aprecia y Miami que lo desprecia.
De acuerdo con las palabras del propio Sr. Edwards, esta escultura es para "...honrar a Fidel Castro por sus contribuciones a los derechos civiles y marcar el fin de un largo régimen."
¡Qué pena que el Sr. Edwards no ha tenido que desarrollar y practicar su arte en Cuba bajo Castro para vivir en carne propia la contribución a los derechos civiles del dictador y para también disfrutar de su largo régimen. ¿Hubiera podido presentar una escultura en el Paseo del Malecón, digamos, dedicada a Ronald Reagan?
La trayectoria de Castro no se mide sólo en impresiones. Es necesario que este gesto provoque una lluvia de cartas y de llamadas, pero en lo posible sin la retórica emocional y sentimental que tantas veces acompaña nuestras voces. La idea es ayudar a aclarar EL RECORD HISTORICO Y LOS HECHOS IN-HUMANOS DE CASTRO Y DE SU REGIMEN con material objetivo. Nuestros vecinos de Harlem conocen del dictador lo que se les ha dicho y lo que ellos desean escuchar. De la misma forma que la juventud que luce camisetas del Ché sólo conoce del personaje lo que la mitología popular les ha informado.
Si tienen amigos periodistas, historiadores, artistas, escritores, defensores de la verdad histórica (no sólo anti-Castristas porque les toque de cerca), por favor, que hagan señalamiento del falso fundamento de esta obra. Yo aceptaría que me digan que se exhibirá la escultura por seguidores de Castro y de su revolución tal y como es. Es más, que la "siembren" permanentemente en Central Park. En una democracia hay espacio para todos aunque movidas como ésta carezcan de buen gusto y de poca solidaridad con un segmento de la población. Sin embargo, esta distorsión de la verdad... ¡por sus contribuciones a los derechos civiles! ...eso, es
inadmisible. Si esa idea se le puede embutir a una comunidad, Harlem o cualquiera que sea, también se le puede vender un condo en Jupiter.
No sé si la protesta resulte en cambios concretos. Pero tiene que por lo menos registrarse que ha habido quejas, que ha habido oposición, y que el contrapunto no se debe a una peripatética
diferencia de apreciaciones o impresiones entre dos comunidades. Eso distorsiona la historia, nos manipula, y nos
Para ver el video sobre el busto del tirano haga click AQUÍ
Pepe Bahamonde es profesor de inglés del Departamento de Idiomas Extranjeros & AEP, del Miami-Dade College/Wolfson Campus, el ganador de varios EMMYS, en diferentes años en la categoría de Productor Ejecutivo y libretista por el programa "Que Pasa USA?".
New York Honors Fidel Castro With Statue
By Humberto Fontova
Monday, Oct. 30, 2006

But Fidel Castro first tried baiting his Soviet patrons into the act. A full-scale Yankee invasion of Cuba was hours away, Castro disclosed to Khrushchev on October 26th 1962. His agents had ready proof. Don't delay, he urged the Soviet premier! Now's the time to launch a surprise Nuclear strike on America's major cities! Hurry!
Khrushchev panicked. But not from fear of any Yankee invasion of Cuba. He knew better. He had JFK's number from the Bay of Pigs and the Vienna Summit the previous year. Now the craven tone of Kennedy's messages

No, what alarmed the Butcher of Budapest was the stridency and sincerity of his Cuban confederate's craving to plunge the world into a nuclear war that would kill millions of Americans and Russians along with millions of Cubans (minus Fidel of course, who, along with Che and Raul, had secure reservations at the new Soviet-built bomb-shelter in Cuba.) "We'd better get those missiles out of Cuba, all right," reasoned Stalin's former henchman. "This Cuban lunatic might get his finger near the button!"
Camelot's press agency (the Beltway media, academia, Hollywood and New York publishing) spun a sharply different version of the rationale for that decision, which still prevails among the cheese and Chablis set.
Foiled in October 1962 by Khrushchev's prudence, the very next month Castro's agents plotted to incinerate and entomb thousands of New Yorkers while employing more conventional means. 500 kilos of TNT were slated to explode in Manhattan's most crowded settings during their most crowded stage.

So it's only fitting that New York honor Fidel Castro with a massive monument in Central Park to be unveiled November 8th. "The portrait celebrates Castro's humanitarianism," gushes David Kesting, the spokesman for the statue's sculptor. "Inspiration for the gilded head of Castro, large enough to belong to a 25 foot man, comes from Harlem's acclamation for Castro's contributions to civil rights," reads a wire story. "This may be the last opportunity to say farewell" to the man some revere as a champion of civil rights ... The Central Park unveiling of his portrait is an attempt to bring Harlem's adoration for Castro to the rest of the world."
"Useful Idiocy" simply wont do. American Castrophilia requires a term all it's own. No tribute that Walter Duranty, Roger Baldwin, Dashiel Hammet, Albert Einstein, Woody Guthrie, Paul Robeson, or even Franklin Delano Roosevelt lavished on Stalin approaches Ted Turner's, Harry Belafonte's, Jesse Jackson's, Norman Mailer's, Charlie Rangel's and those multitude of other plaudits to Fidel Castro.
A monument heralding Hitler in Warsaw, London or Rotterdam would make more sense. Had the wishes of the man commemorated in that Central Park statue prevailed, Central Park itself might still be radioactive, and the charred remains of New York residents Charlie Rangel (who specializes in passionate bear-hugs of Castro) and Norman Mailer (who hails Castro as "the Hemisphere's greatest hero!") would fit in a milk carton.
A monument to Hideki Tojo in Honolulu would be more appropriate. One to Osama bin Laden in New York would also fit. In the fall of 1962 only Khrushchev's discretion and the FBI's competence saved New York from a Castro-instigated murder toll that would have dwarfed both Pearl Harbor's and 9-11's.
The planning and will for the fiery mass-murder of thousands of New Yorkers were certainly there, only the means were foiled at the last minute. Morally speaking, this leaves Fidel Castro culpable of crimes bin Laden envisions only in his fondest dreams.
The amalgam of willful ignorance, hypocrisy, stupidity, and masochism displayed by Castro acolytes in the U.S. has rarely been matched by the public utterings of any group of politicians or pundits in modern history. National Review's Jay Nordlinger calls it "the most grotesque phenomenon of our time." The phrase strikes me as perfectly fitting.
Unlike Charlie Rangel, Maxine Waters, Dannie Glover, Harry Belafonte, David Kesting and those multitudes of Harlem Castro fans, Mr Eusebio Penalver, a black Cuban, actually lived in Castro's fiefdom. "N*gger!" taunted his all-white Castroite jailers between tortures. "Monkey!" they laughed. "We pulled you down from the trees and cut of your tail!" they taunted while throwing him in solitary confinement. For opposing the re-installation of slavery in Cuba, Mr. Penalver suffered longer in Castro's dungeons than Nelson Mandela suffered in South Africa's, and more defiantly and heroically.
The man honored by Harlem for his "humanitarianism" and dedication to civil rights" jailed more of his subjects for political crimes than Hitler and Stalin. More uproariously ironic, he is (or was) a lily white European soldier's son who not only jailed Penalver, the longest-jailed Black political prisoner in modern history, but also overthrew a Cuban government where Blacks served as President of the Senate, Minister of Agriculture, Chief of Army, and Head of State (Fulgencio Batista).
Today the prison population in Stalinist/Apartheid Cuba is 90 percent black while only 9 percent of the ruling Stalinist party is black. Most of Cuba's current political prisoners are black, including Jorge Antunez and Dr. Elias Biscet, a Martin Luther King and Gandhi disciple.


It's worth repeating: The Nov. 8th unveiling and celebration is motivated by "Harlem's acclamation for Castro's contributions to civil rights."
I'll defer to Jorge Antunez's sister, Berta: "The Cuban government tries to fool the world with siren songs depicting racial equality in our country," she reports clandestinely via a Cuban Samizdat. "But it is all a farce, as I and my family can attest, having suffered from the systematic racism directed at us by Castro's regime. My brother suffers the scourge of racial hatred every day. The beatings are always accompanied by racial epithets. They set dogs on him. They deny him medical attention. They kept him from attending his mother's funeral."
"The racist mentality is so ingrained among Cuba's agents of repression," reports Mrs. Antunez, "that when mixed race groups are stopped on the street, only the blacks are asked for their identification papers."
"The only thing I have to thank the Cuban revolution for" she quoted her brother as saying, "is for restoring the yoke of slavery that my ancestors lived under."
Please, please, please don't waste your time looking for any mention of these valiant blacks in the mainstream media. Please, please, please don't bother looking for them hailed during Black history month on NPR, CNN, The History Channel or Oprah. These heroes defied the hemisphere's premier slaver, you see, who also happens to be the Left's premier pin-up boy. So their courage, sacrifices and suffering don't qualify as politically-correct news and documentary fare.
If the term "slaver" strikes you as hyperbolic, consider this story from last week's Miami Herald: "In reality we were slaves," says Cuban refugee Alberto Rodriguez who before escaping was forced to labor 116 hours a week at 3 and a half pennies per hour.
"Amazingly, this labor went on in a shipyard in Delray Beach, Florida. Mr. Rodriguez and 2 other escapees were 'employees' of Curacao Drydock Co., headquartered in Curacao but who obtained some of their laborers from the Cuban Government. This government, lauded worldwide as a champion of the laboring classes, pocketed the difference between the 3 pennies and hour and Curacao Drydock's normal wage."
The forced-laborers were rounded up in Cuba and shipped to Curacao where their passports were promptly confiscated. Their "supervisor" was a Fidel Castro nephew. "We worked in broiling heat, in the most dangerous part of the ship, where all of the regular workers refused to go - that's where they forced the Cubans to work," recounts Rodriguez. His co-slave, Luis Casanova, was badly electrocuted but forced to work with blood pouring from his tongue. "They said if we slacked up we'd be taken back to Cuba and thrown in jail."
After these men were shipped to Florida to work for a Curacao Drydock agent, they escaped their slavers and have filed suit against them in Miami Federal court under the Aliens Tort Act. Please don't confuse their case with those of illegals who sneak in, clamor for a job, then sue the employer for "discrimination," or some such. This is a totally different animal.
Charlie Rangel raves against Republicans as closet Ku

I'll be surprised if Charles Rangel isn't keynote speaker at the Central Park celebration for the Stalinist/racist who jailed and tortured black political prisoners longer than Apartheid South Africa, and who kidnaps his subjects and rents them out for 3 pennies an hour. It's the least Congressman Rangel could do for the man who longed to incinerate both him and every one of his Harlem constituents.
Humberto Fontova is the author of Fidel; Hollywood's Favorite Tyrant, a Conservative Book Club Main Selection.
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