Dear Mr. Paton, Your publication of the following article constitutes an affront to the Cuban people. They have endured over 47 years under the grip of a despised absolute tyrant. Where is the objectivity, the journalistic ethics, the search for truth in an article such as Ms. Pelaez writes? It's nowhere; in fact, the tyrant is not inmortal, his mortality is anxiously awaited by 11 million people so they can have a normal existence just like most of the rest of the civilized world. As you may have discovered over the years, the hispanic population in the Metropolitan Area continues to grow, not only in numbers but in their level of education and intellectual development. Your publication has been a resource and a guide to the hispanic community for generations. However, with articles such as these, El Diario sinks to the level of a third rate rag. If you continue publishing such trash, I doubt business will prosper. An alternative is in order, urgently.
Sincerely, Paul Echaniz
New York, New York
Dear Mr. Paton,
It is with sadness and frustration that I see how your paper, that calls itself "The champion of Hispanics", incurs in bias, ignorance, disrespect and insensitivy towards a group when it comes to the depiction of the current Cuba and its leader, the tyrant Fidel Castro.
To begin with it is ridiculous in its total adoration of a leader, specially a leader that has been classified as "tyrant" by many human rights organizations. The mere fact that your paper endorses such a position, makes it a collaborator in the same manner that the Vichy government was a collaborator of the Nazis. Is that a glory your paper cherishes? Its sin doubles when you read the disparages about "the cruelty of the American giant" (el ensañamiento del gigante americano), a cliché expression associated with the so passé light headed, blood-rushing anti-American radicalism of the 60´s. Not to talk about the laughable sentence of "a society where nobody goes to bed trying to find out how to survive the day after". Is anybody out there browsing serious publications around the world on how Cubans survive now-a-days? I think Ms. Pelaez could benefit from a little trip to Miami, to see with her own eyes the rafters that defy the water of the Florida straits, sharks et al, as only means to survive. And what to say about the likening of Castro with "the rebellious angels of God" and the use of adjective "immortal" to characterize him?
The story is so biased, tendentious and stupid that one wonders if that´s the best your paper can offer to Hispanics when it comes to information. It is also insensitive, very insensitive, when it so supports a tyrant whose deeds, and that of his comrades, has caused so much suffering to his people, that 1/5 of it had chosen to emigrate to establish themselves in this country. It is frankly a slap in the face of those who lost fathers before the execution squad, brothers, sisters and even mothers in the Castro dungeons; of those whose childhood was robbed by a system that kept their parents in jail for the sole reason of expressing themselves, sometimes jus having the Declaration of Human Rights or even the document with the last words of Martin Luther King.
Mr. Paton, I advice you to read the issue November 30-December 6th of the French L´Express International and to provide it to your journalists, so they´ll learn how to really cover Cuba. I´m enclosing its page in the web, in case you´ll want to read it.
The story of Ms. Pelaez is an insult to the intelligence, not only of Cubans who, I assume, will never buy your paper again, but also of all free thinking, educated Hispanics who know a promoter of certain regimes when they read him/her. Is that what your paper is paying them for?
Vivian Gude
Dear Mr. Paton,
It is with sadness and frustration that once again Cuban exiles and any other intelligent Hispanic reader, had to endure the ignorance and disrespect of your reporters at "El diario". You call your newspaper "The champion of the Hispanics" and I ask which ones, the ones who adore Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, and the likes?, the ones that hate the US, even though they all live here, in abundance and freedom?, the ones that celebrates assassins just for the mere fact that they are anti-American, then Mr. Paton, your newspaper is definitely not my champion or the champion of any other Hispanic who loves this country and the liberties that it offers us.
While we live here with total freedom of expression and that is the reason your "reporters", can do what they do, hundred of journalists in Cuba remain in jail since they don't have the same rights we have here. I obviously exercise my choice of not reading your newspaper, since we have many other reliable sources of information, however, I can't help it but to wonder if you as the Chairman and CEO, as well as the other members of ImpreMedia, know exactly what is written in your newspapers. The recent articles written by Vicky Pelaez, whom is now in Cuba for the celebration of Mr. Castro's 80th birthday, titled " El Cagauirán cubano sigue de pie" and "La inmortalidad de la revolución cubana" as well as the ones from Mr. Borrero in the past, are a deliberate anti-American anthem, praising the Cuban "revolution" and Castro himself as a hero and a visionary. How can you allow them to misinform the American public in such a way? why do we have to tolerate this ridiculous articles?. Haven't millions of Cuban suffered enough for almost 50 years, don't they Cuba deserve the right to be free to say what they want, as is Ms. Pelaez and Mr. Borrero do?.
I lastly and more importantly wonder if Osama Bin Laden, Hitler, Saddam Hussein or any other anti-American tyrant can also be adored in your papers, because even though we live in a free country, we all have limits. Apparently Castro, even though has behave the same or worse than the above mentioned, has a special place in your paper.
"El Diario" is a constant celebration of the flagrant violation of human rights in Cuba, an insult to freedom in the world and a cruel reminder of what happens when resentful anti-American are given a place and a time to express themselves.
I hope that you decide to inform yourself better regarding the newspapers that you Chair, although business is business, maybe you should reconsider it when your patriotism is at stake, when your own country is criticized, and because you and your reporters will be held responsible, when time comes, of the Cuban Holocaust.
Ada Baisre
El caguairán sigue en pie, pero ya políticamente está seco y muerto; el comején dentro de poco lo derribará físicamente pero espiritualmente siempre ha estado enfermo, muy enfermo y para colmo su enfermedad espiritual ha convertido al pueblo cubano en un pueblo psicosocialmente enfermo.
La periodista Vicky Pelaez puede tener todas las simpatías y antipatías que se le antoje, pero reducir e inferir que la situación cubana se debe al diferendo que ha habido entre Cuba y Estados Unidos en estos 48 años, es ignorar que la verdadera tragedia cubana ha sido producto de la imposición de la tiranía de Fidel Castro al pueblo cubano y los esfuerzos de los cubanos más preclaros y decididos para quitarsela de encima. Tanto Fidel Castro como Raúl Castro han admitido que en Cuba en la década de los años 60s hubo una guerra civil; pero que podemos esperar de una periodista que dice que en Cuba: ¨... nadie se acuesta pensando como sobrevivir mañana. ¨.

Por Vicky Pelaez
“Cada gran hombre es un iniciador porque ve más allá que los otros seres humanos y anhela sus propósitos con más vehemencia, fuerza y convención que otros hombres” —Georgy Plekhanov.
El dos de diciembre, Cuba entera, igual que todos los seres humanos en nuestro planeta que no creen en las recetas “milagrosas” del neoliberalismo globalizado, esperábamos con ansiedad la aparición de Fidel Castro Ruz en el desfile militar en honor del 50 aniversario del desembarco del yate Granma que cambió la historia del país y abrió el camino hacia el futuro para América Latina. Los presentes en la Plaza de la Revolución creíamos que en cualquier momento aparecería el barbudo comandante que ha guiado a Cuba durante estos difíciles cincuenta años, contra viento y marea y para preservar su país del ensañamiento del gigante norteamericano, hacia la construcción de una sociedad nueva donde nadie se acuesta pensando como sobrevivir mañana.
Pero Fidel no apareció y la certeza se hizo evidencia. Está enfermo el caguairán cubano. Tanta tempestad ha soportado en los últimos cincuenta años este magnifico árbol tropical que se debilitó su resistencia y lo achacó la enfermedad. Ahora necesita reposo, esperando que las nuevas generaciones tomen el camino que él ha trazado. El comandante sabía que un día de estos tenía que pasar. Ya en el 2001, cuando cumplió 75 años, contestó a la pregunta de Quique Pesoa durante el receso del Congreso de Periodistas Latinoamericanos y Caribeños sobre qué pasará con la revolución cubana cuando Fidel “brillara en la montaña”. Dijo el comandante, como lo describió Miguel Bonasso: “ yo te digo que cuando este caballero, que tiene el honor de

Es cierto que todos los seres humanos somos producto de nuestro tiempo y espacio y representamos simplemente unos momentos que desaparecen en un instante mientras que la vida sigue su curso inalterable. Tuvimos momentos de Cristo, Mahoma, Buda, Confucio, Platón Aristóteles, Descartes, Newton, Pascal, Leonardo, Tupac Amaru, Bolivar, Martí, Mariátegui, Sandino, Che Guevara etc. Todos ellos desaparecieron y no pasó aparentemente nada.
Sin embargo, todos estos hombres a diferencia de nosotros simples mortales, como dice Francisco Rebolledo en su novela “Rasero”, eran “inmortales” porque “eran rebeldes como los ángeles de Dios que no se resignaron a su triste destino de seres mortales y, osados, desafiaron a los mismísimos cielos para robarles un pedazo de su Gloria”. Fidel Castro Ruz pertenece a este grupo de rebeldes. Igual como ellos, con su inteligencia, disciplina, empuje, vehemencia, su persistente, terca y heroica lucha logró convencer a su pueblo y ganar su apoyo en la lucha por una Cuba soberana y nueva. Así los insurgentes vencieron al ejército de Batista con su armamento, mercenarios y asesores norteamericanos. Pero la lucha no terminó allí.
El Gran Patrón jamás le perdonó a Fidel su desafío. Durante estos cincuenta años los nueve presidentes norteamericanos, tanto demócratas como republicanos, hicieron todo lo posible e imposible para poner fin a la revolución cubana. Invasiones, terrorismo, sabotaje, provocaciones, propaganda, asesinatos selectivos y siempre atentados contra la vida de Fidel, en total mucho más de cien. No lograron doblegar a Cuba socialista ni con la fuerza ni con el beso del futuro millonario y representante de Pizza Hut, Michael Gorbachev.
No entienden los globalizadores neoconservadores o neoliberales las enseñanzas de Plekhanov que dice en su ensayo “El rol de la personalidad en la historia”, que “algunos seres humanos tienen la capacidad de influir el destino de la sociedad. Pero esta influencia está determinada por las estructuras de la sociedad y sus relaciones con otras sociedades”. Desde este punto de vista, Fidel ha sido un iniciador pero su obra no termina con él sino sigue su curso siguiendo su orientación general que es determinada por otras fuerzas y entre ellas la voluntad y la sabiduría de su pueblo. Mientras tanto Fidel Castro ya es un hombre inmortal. Es el hombre que inspiró y mostró el fértil camino de la verdad a otros iniciadores. Y así siempre será porque en esto consiste la dialéctica de la vida.
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