Donald Trump: "Rusia, si estás escuchando, espero que seas capaz de encontrar los 30,000 emails" de Hillary Clinton
Julio M. Shiling analiza la Convención Nacional Demócrata en el programa radial "En la Capital del Sol" de La Poderosa 670 AM, con los periodistas y locutores Ariane González Brizuela y Roger Vivas, transmitido el 26 de Julio, 2016.
Nota del Bloguista de Baracutey Cubano
Donald Trump en sus palabras NO INCITÓ a hackear, pues el sabe que algunas instituciones y personas poseen esos e mails que Hillary Clinton eliminó. En este post agrego dos importantes informaciones relaconadas con esas declaraciones de Donald Trump así como una Nota del bloguista del 9 de julio de 2016..
El 9 de julio de 2016 escribí una nota que decía:
Guccifer era un hacker anti-Illuminati; para ver lo que son los Illuminati pueden ir a Wikipedia, ver este video, o hacer su propio research en Internet.
James Comey afirma que Guccifer mintió al expresar que había hackeado al servidor (tuvo varios dispositivos) de la Clinton, pero Guccifer estaba en custodia y esperando juicio por hackear al ex presidente Bush y liberar pinturas de Bush, luego Guccifer tenía la capacidad para hacerlo, pues no he oido decir que el servidor privado de la Clinton tuviera especiales medidas de seguridad.
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Donald Trump: "Rusia, si estás escuchando, espero que seas capaz de encontrar los 30,000 emails" de Hillary Clinton
El aspirante republicano a la presidencia se negó a condenar el presunto espionaje ruso de la campaña demócrata e incluso le pidió al gobierno de Vladimir Putin que dé con los correos electrónicos de Clinton que no han aparecido cuando se desempeñaba como secretaria de Estado.
Por Estephani Cano
Julio 27, 2016

REPORT: Hillary’s Emails Hacked by Russia – Kremlin Deciding Whether to Release 20,000 Stolen Emails (VIDEO)
Jim Hoft May 10th, 2016
Guest Post by Joe Hoft
hillary email drop out
The Kremlin is debating whether to release the 20,000 emails they have hacked off of Hillary Clinton’s server.
According to a report from four days ago, beginning in 2011, the Russians began monitoring Romanian computer hacker Marcel Lazăr Lehel (aka Guccifer) after he attempted, unsuccessfully, to break into the computer system of the Russian funded RT television network.
After monitoring Guccifer, the Russians were reportedly able to record (both physically and electronically) his actions which allowed the Russian intelligence analysts, in 2013, to not only detect his breaking into the private computer of Secretary Clinton, but also break in and copy all of its contents as well.
The report notes that shortly after Russia obtained Clinton’s emails, they released a limited amount to RT TV which were published in an article in March 2013, titled Hillary Clinton’s ‘hacked’ Benghazi

hillary hacked emails
Apparently no Western journalists promoted this story in 2013.
(Vladimir Putin y Hillary Clinton)
A couple of years later, in 2016, the US then brought in Guccifer for questioning related to this incident. According to the report, NBC news knew why Guccifer was being questioned but withheld this information from the American public.
The Associated Press reported in October 2015 that “Hillary Clinton’s private email server maintained in her home while serving as secretary of State was possibly hacked by Russia-tied authorities, and others, on five separate occasions.”
The AP report noted that investigators discovered among Clinton’s cache of released emails malicious software aimed at transmitting data to three overseas computers, including at least one in Russia. This malicious software was reportedly activated by clicking on it; but in October it was not clear if Clinton actually opened these messages or not, per the AP.
Recently separate reports have come out noting that Guccifer had indeed hacked Clinton’s emails. Now according to this latest report, Clinton’s server was not only compromised by Guccifer but also by Russia. Guccifer told FOX News last week that he hacked Hillary’s homebrew server and so did at least 10 others.
“There’s a debate going on in the Kremlin between the Foreign Ministry and the Intelligence Services about whether they should release the 20,000 of Mrs. Clinton’s emails that they have hacked into.”
BREAKING: Romanian hacker with access to Clinton emails found dead in jail cell
By admin1 -
July 5, 2016

Guccifer, also known as Marcel Lazar Lehel, was extradited to the United States to face charges after openly admitting to repeatedly hacking Hillary Clinton’s email server. This claim occurred in the midst of an FBI probe that was concluded this morning by Director Comey.
Lehel claimed that the server was “like an open orchid on the Internet” and that it “was easy … easy for me, for everybody.”
After the FBI cleared Clinton of any charges Tuesday morning, a rumor began circulating that Guccifer was missing from his jail cell. Tuesday night, reports began spreading that the Romanian hacker was found after the evening’s dinner hanging from a rope in his personal cell.
Comey, in his statement Tuesday morning, alluded to the fact that American enemies and individual actors most likely accessed Hillary Clinton’s emails, but Guccifer was the only person to come forward with knowledge of their contents.
Reports are still developing, and CTN is waiting on statements from authorities.
It is worth noting that the Clinton White House faced allegations that Hillary and her aides were involved in the questionable suicide of White House employee Vince Foster in 1995.
Hillary Email Scandal - FBI Discovers Hacker Guccifer is Missing From Jail, after Lynch-Bill meeting
Published on Aug 3, 2016
Si por el Partido Republicano llueve, por el Demócrata no escampa. El escándalo de los wikileaks está lejos de culminar y amenaza con afectar la campaña de Hillary Clinton. Tres directivos han tenido que salir del liderazgo del partido.
Wikileaks amenazan con afectar campaña de Hillary Clinton
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