miércoles, octubre 26, 2016

Video. Recopilan declaraciones de Hillary Clinton en las que se contradice a sí misma


Recopilan declaraciones de Hillary Clinton en las que se contradice a sí misma

Published on Oct 24, 2016
Los usuarios no dejan de lado sus críticas hacia la candidata demócrata, Hillary Clinton. En las redes sociales se han recopilado declaraciones contradictorias de la ex secretaria de Estado sobre diversos temas de importancia.
The Media, Even Obama Denies Voter Fraud - But Leaked Emails Prove Clinton Camp OK With It

Published on Oct 20, 2016
Video Transcript:

Since Donald Trump said "voter fraud is all too common," several have tried to tamp down his allegations.

BARACK OBAMA: It happens to be based on no facts. Every expert, regardless of political party, regardless of ideology, conservative or liberal who has ever examined these issues in a serious way will tell you that instances of significant voter fraud are not to be found.

JOHN DICKERSON: There are irregularities in elections, sure. But Donald Trump is overstating the case to undermine the legitimacy of the election either to get himself out of what he thinks might be a bad result or to whip up his supporters and say this election's being stolen from you, watch out.

MICHAEL WALDMAN: The supposed widespread voter fraud is not a reality. You are more likely to be hit by lightning in the United States than to commit in-person voter fraud. So you know what we should be focusing on, I think, is actually making sure that everybody know they have the right to vote, and be able to get that vote counted and not be scared by all this stuff.

Shockingly, in a leaked email, Clinton campaign chair John Pedestal thinks it's OK for illegals to vote if they have ID.

[PODESTA Email]: "On the picture ID, the one thing I have thought of in that space is that if you show up on Election Day with a drivers license with a picture, attest that you are a citizen, you have a right to vote in Federal elections."


Nota: La expresión: What difference at this point does it make ? (LO CUAL PUEDE TRADUCIRSE CÓMO:   ¿A ESTAS ALTURAS QUE IMPORTANCIA TIENE ESO?) es una de las expresiones  cínicas y mentirosas que Hillary contestó ante un comité que investigaba los cuatro asesinatos de ciudadanos norteamericanos, incluyendo al embador, en Benghazi, Libia, el 11-12 de septiembre de 2012, a los que Hillary  y otras instancias, agencias y departamentos del gobierno no les dieron ni enviaron  la ayuda que antes y durante el ataque terroristas pidió el personal norteamericano en el consulado de Benghazi y de un anexo de la CIA cercano. AÚN HOY NO SE CONOCE QUIÉN DEL GOBIERNO  DIO LAS ÓRDENES DE NO HACER NADA EN AYUDA DE LOS ATACADOS  (STAND-DOWN ORDERS).   

Published on Oct 17, 2016
Hillary Clinton's use of a personal email server while serving as Secretary of State is not only an enduring political scandal, it's also a new hit song.

Performed by Hillary Clinton and FBI Director James Comey, this soulful tune tells the story of one woman and her ability to transcend the traditional confines of U.S. law.

Hillary Clinton & James Comey - What Difference Does It Make?