miércoles, abril 29, 2015

Videos sobre la Cuba de hoy y la anterior de 1959: Cuba's Secret Side o el Lado Oscuro de Cuba. En idioma inglés y español. Cuba Before 1959: An Advanced Country. Cuba, 1947. Splendour of Cuba in the 1930's. Havana, Cuba in the 1930s - Historical Travel Film

Cuba's Secret Side o el Lado Oscuro de Cuba

La realidad de Cuba es que tiene más de 50 años con un sistema socialista, el cual no ha podido avanzar en materia política ni mucho menos en materia económica; sino todo lo contrario ha retrocedido en el tiempo, como ejemplo de ello les dejo un video para que puedan ver como realmente se vive en Cuba.

Lado Oscuro de Cuba (Parte 1)

Lado Oscuro de Cuba (Parte 2)

Video recomendado enfáticamente por el bloguista de Baracutey Cubano

 Cuba Antes De Castro

En 1958 existían en Cuba un total de 38,384 fabricas y 65,872 establecimientos comerciales de todas clases y tamaños que representaban más de $4,778 millones. Cuba tenía una industria refinadora de petróleo con capacidad superior a las necesidades del país. La industria textil abastecía más del 65% del consumo doméstico, y la del calza

Cuba Before 1959: An Advanced Country 

1957 Havana, Cuba. The City is in full bloom. The port, filled with ships from all over the world, offers the island a taste of the upcoming fashions, the latest technological advances of the automotive industry, and exquisite jewelry, among many other fine things. New neighborhoods -- El Vedado, among others-- are expanding to accommodate the fast growing population. Streets are filled with Spanish Colonial, Republican Neoclassical and American Beaux Arts architecture of all scales that share one common element, allowing them to fit flawlessly together, thereby forming part of a greater urban identity. Shops from all over the world fill the buildings. Theaters bustle with crowds anxious to see international celebrities Edith Piaf, Nat King Cole and others. Tropicana's jungle showgirls dance atop the tree canopies. An enduring myth is that 1950's Cuba was a socially and economically backward country whose development was jump-started by the Castro government. In fact, according to readily-available historical data, Cuba was an advanced country in 1958, certainly by Latin American standards and by world standards.


Havana, Cuba 1930s 

A tour of the city of Havana, Cuba in the 1930s filmed by Andre de la Varre. Footage from this subject is available for licensing from www.globalimageworks.com

Splendour of Cuba in the 1930's - Film 217

Havana, Cuba in the 1930s - Historical Travel Film 

A nostalgic tour of the city of Havana, Cuba in the 1930s filmed by Andre de la Varre.