viernes, marzo 18, 2016

Zoé Valdés: Estados Unidos en los extremos de Donald Trump y Hillary Clinton

Estados Unidos en los extremos

Por Zoé Valdés

¿Quedará Estados Unidos entre dos extremos en sus próximas elecciones presidenciales? Al parecer es lo que toca. Todo el mundo habla del extremista Donald Trump. Por cierto, sobre su emblemático populismo escribí ayer. También mencioné su lado antirracista. No sólo tuvo una novia mulata, como se ve en las fotos que ilustran el post, además es conocido que fue Trump quien ayudó a Arsenio Hall y así lo reconoce el propio Hall, además de que entre los que se ocupan de su campaña se destaca el mestizaje, gente venida de todas partes. De modo que seguir acusando a Trump de racista es otra de las falacias inventadas por la extrema izquierda y por la prensa, así como por personalidades, el mismísimo Mario Vargas Llosa se equivoca, que no se cansan de repetir y repetir semejante tontería.

A Trump podemos distinguirlo por payaso, populista excesivo, y ya solamente eso impone terror. Sus maneras son desagradables, la violencia de su discurso es inaceptable. No puedo imaginarlo como un buen interlocutor internacional. Da la sensación de que Trump quiere lograrlo todo por su plata, que la tiene, y por sus bolas (bajas), de lo que también presume. Al parecer así le ha ido bien en sus reality shows, aunque no tan bien en su tristemente célebre Trump University y tampoco en su tan esperada declaración de impuestos, que todo el mundo ansía conocer, tenga el volumen que tenga. O sea, nos han restregado tanto todo lo malo que tiene Trump que no sólo lo asumimos como el mal mayor, además apenas nos detenemos a analizar el otro extremo.

Vamos a ver, ¿a quién tenemos en el otro extremo? A otra extremista, Hillary Clinton, la eterna militante comunista disfrazada de socialista. Olvidado el escándalo sexual de su marido y expresidente con Monica Lewinsky, en el que ella salió bastante mal parada frente a las feministas, la señora Clinton acumula en su haber varios cadáveres mal enterrados, contando el del embajador estadounidense en Bengazi, y por otra parte el affaire de los emailes. No sólo su imagen deja mucho que desear, aunque también la de Trump, ambos parecen dos anticuados moldes salidos de un descolorido puré de zanahorias, además su voz de cacatúa es insoportable, y más insoportable es el discurso estéril con el que intenta camelar a sus seguidores. ¿Se imaginan ustedes el tener que soportar su tono voz y sus mentiras comunistas durante cuatro años más? Como cuando la semana pasada se preguntó a sí misma en público dónde estaba Bernie Sanders cuando ella hablaba ya de la reforma de la salud en los años noventa. Bueno, un video demuestra que Sanders estaba muy cerca, nada más y nada menos que detrás de ella. Ya con Obama y sus mentiras Estados Unidos ha tenido de sobra.

Y ahora que menciono a Sanders, miren lo que este señor expresaba en los años ochenta acerca de la dictadura totalitaria de los Castro. Sin que nadie se lo llevara preso, desde luego. Bueno, Hitler y Stalin también adoctrinaron a los niños y las juventudes alemanas y rusas.

Con estos truenos será muy difícil votar en las elecciones presidenciales en Estados Unidos, pero como decía al inicio, es lo que toca en un país, y en un mundo, que prefiere adormecerse el cerebro con las Kardashian antes que enriquecerse el espíritu con Walt Withman. Lo que trajo el barco.
 Nota del bloguista

Según expresó el Coronel retirado John Lopez de la Cruz en un programa televisivo conducido por el muy conocido periodista Carlos Pérez transmitido por la televisora Telemiami el domingo 18 de noviembre de 2012, un general, cuyo nombre y cargo dió en detalles el ex Coronel López,  de una base norteamericana en Alemania  fue detenido porque al conocer lo que estaba sucediendo en el Consulado de Benghazi el 11 de septiembre,  dió órdenes con  el proposito de ir a ayudar al personal norteamericano atacado en Benghazi pese a las órdenes de ¨stand down¨ que le habían dado; otro alto oficial, cuyo nombre y grado militar dió también  el ex Coronel López,  due también detenido por solidarizarse con el otro general detenido.
Esa misma orden de ¨Stand down¨ le fue dada  a un dispositivo militar norteamericano que estaba a menos de milla y media de distancia del Consulado de Benghazi. Desobedeciendo esa  orden, el Navy Seal Tyrone S. Woods y otros, fueron al Consulado y lograron evacuar a aproximadamente 30 personas. Tyrone S. Woods murió a las 7 horas de comenzado el ataque al Consulado.
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U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other members of his diplomatic mission, U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith and U.S. embassy security personnel Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods. Two other Americans and seven Libyans were also injured.
 Published on Oct 22, 2015
It's been painful to watch Hillary Clinton's testimony during the Benghazi hearings. She skirts, deflects and blames others -- and the Democrat committee members are in full mop up mode. If only the Dem members were as concerned with saving American lives as they are with saving Hillary.

Here's the KEY MOMENT in Benghazi hearings - Rep. Jordan nails Hillary on LIES

Rep. Susan Brooks BUSTS Hillary Clinton In BLATANT Lie During Benghazi Hearing! Wow!!!
(Febrero-Diciembre de 2011: 795 email entre el Departamento de Estado y los enclaves diplomáticos en Libia;desde  principios de año hasta el día del ataque el 11 de septiembre de  2012: solamente 67 emails. Este bloguista tiene también la opinión que esa diferencia no es falta de interés, sino que está escondiendo ALGO BIEN COMPROMETEDOR)


Benghazi Attack Not About Film Attacking Mohammed

By Victor Thorn
November 04, 2012   AFP
Timeline of Deception

On the 11th anniversary of 9-11, when four Americans were slain in Benghazi, a Predator   drone equipped with cameras hovered over a safe house that was under attack and beamed images—via satellite in real-time—to the United States State Department, the Pentagon and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) headquarters in Langley, Virginia. Also, during an October 11 radio interview  with Howie Carr of Boston’s WRKO, Colonel David Hunt stated that over 100 people watched this feed in the White House Situation Room.

All of these entities witnessed firsthand that the onslaught did not result from protests over an anti-Mohammed video. The “fog of war” didn’t blur what they saw, as Hillary Clinton asserted, nor were the details sketchy, as administration officials claimed. Moreover, the State Department’s Charlene Lamb admitted during Congressional hearings that they watched the attacks in real-time.

To reinforce that this assault did not arise from a “spontaneous uprising,” at 4:05 pm EST on September 11, Clinton’s State Department Operations Center issued an urgent e-mail alert . “Approximately 20 armed people fired shots. Explosions have been heard as well.” At no time did they mention protests or a video. Two hours later, at 6:07 pm EST, the State Department transmitted another e-mail. “Ansar al-Sharia claims responsibility for Benghazi attack.”

The blame placed on Ansar al-Sharia—a group the U.S. government says is affiliated with al-Qaeda—did not emanate from the Mossad, Dick Cheney or The Weekly Standard. Rather, it came directly from the Obama administration’s State Department. In this light, every party involved knew with certainty from day one that the attacks did not arise from some type of protest.

Yet, for the next two weeks, Barack Obama and his cronies outwardly lied about the circumstances surrounding this attack against American personnel. Beginning with a September 12 Rose Garden statement, Obama generically referred to “acts of terror,” but never called the murders themselves terrorism. However, on September 12, Libya’s deputy ambassador to London stated that Ansar al-Sharia was behind the attacks, while on September 13, Libya’s ambassador to the U.S. specifically referred to the ambush as terrorism.

Below is a damning timeline of deception emanating from the Obama administration:

September 14: White House Press Secretary Jay Carney. “We don’t have and did not have concrete evidence to suggest that this was not in reaction to the film.”

September 16: U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice appeared on five Sunday talk shows to say, “In fact, it was a spontaneous—not a premeditated—response to what transpired in Cairo.” [i.e reaction to the video]

Sept. 18: Jay Carney reiterated, “Our initial information, and that includes all information, we saw no evidence to backup claims by others that this was a preplanned or premeditated attack. We saw evidence that it was sparked by a reaction to this video.”

September 18: Obama to David Letterman  . “Terrorists used this [the film protests] as an excuse to attack.”

September 19: Jay Carney, as questions surfaced about the attackers carrying shoulder-launched rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs). “We have no evidence of a preplanned or premeditated attack.”

September 20: Obama during an interview  with Spanish-language television network Univision that took place in Miami. “What we do know is that the natural protests arose because outrage over the video was used as an excuse by extremists.”

September 24: When asked while appearing on The View if the Benghazi attacks were terrorism, Obama referred to them as a “mob action.”

September 25: During his United Nations speech, Obama was still beating a dead horse, citing the anti-Mohammed video six separate times.
The Attack: What Really Happened?

In a September 24 analysis of the Benghazi attacks, former CIA clandestine operations officer Claire Lopez wrote , “They let our ambassador and others die, in real time, watching it happen, and they didn’t do anything about it.” Elaborating further, Lopez stated that after Navy SEALs were told to stand down three separate times, such an order not to assist fellow Americans had to reach, at a minimum, Hillary Clinton at the State Department, or higher.

At a time when every American embassy should have been on high alert—especially since former U.S. Ambassador to Libya John Christopher Stevens   had repeatedly requested additional security for months—how could a CIA safe house be attacked for hours on end without a response from the most powerful military on Earth? Incredibly, two of the four murdered Americans were killed seven hours after the attacks began. It should be noted that Israel’s assault on the USS Liberty  lasted for two hours. Such amateurish incompetence on the part of this administration is difficult to fathom.

As evidence undeniably shows, the attacks were premeditated and well planned. Spontaneous mobs supposedly angered by a YouTube video don’t carry RPGs, mortars, machine guns and AK-47 rifles. After attackers doused the mission with diesel fuel and set it on fire, Stevens ultimately died of smoke inhalation in a safe-room. His bodyguard Sean Smith burst through a window, only to be killed moments later by a volley of grenades.

These men undoubtedly knew their lives were in danger, as Stevens’ frantically issued e-mails to the Pentagon warning of increased violence. Months earlier he pleaded with the State Department about being on a hit list. “What we have seen are not random crimes of opportunity, but rather targeted discriminate attacks.” Indeed, their Benghazi compound had been bombed twice prior to September 11. Likewise, shortly before his death, former Information Management Officer with the U.S. Foreign Service Sean Smith posted a message on a gaming site, “I hope we get out alive.”

Tragically, as the White House, CIA and Pentagon watched the attacks as they unfolded, Barack Obama met with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta at 5:00 pm EST. No rescue troops were sent to directly assist these Americans, and later—as the carnage continued—Obama went to bed. The next day he callously flew to Las Vegas to attend a fundraiser.

Real-life Benghazi heroes open up about '13 Hours' movie

Barack Obama: The Coward  (Barack Obama: El Cobarde)

On October 11, Pat Smith, mother of Sean Smith who was slain in Benghazi on September 11, told   CNN’s Anderson Cooper about the reaction she received at his September 19 funeral. “I look at TV and see bloody handprints on walls thinking, my God, is that my son’s? They [the Obama administration] haven’t told me anything. They’re still studying it, and the things they are telling me are outright lies. Susan Rice talked to me personally and said, ‘This is the way it is, it was because of this film that came out.’”

On top of Rice’s unmitigated duplicity, Mrs. Smith described our commander-in-chief as unsympathetic beyond words. “I cried on Obama’s shoulder, and then he looked off into the distance, so that was worthless to me.”

Racked with grief, she relayed more of her encounter. “I said [to Obama]: You screwed up. You didn’t do a good job. I lost my son, and he said: We’ll get back to you; trust me. Well, I don’t trust you anymore.”

On October 24, Charles Woods, father of slaughtered Navy SEAL Tyrone S. Woods , spoke  with conservative radio talk show host Lars Larson about his encounter with Obama at the funeral. “When he came over to our little area, he kind of mumbled, ‘I’m sorry.’ His face was looking at me, but his eyes were looking over my shoulder like he couldn’t look me in the eye. It wasn’t a sincere, ‘I’m really sorry that your son died,’ but it was more of an insincere, whining ‘I’m sorry,’ and it was like shaking hands with a dead fish. It just didn’t feel right. Now it’s coming out that, apparently, the White House Situation Room was watching our people die in real time.”

Likewise, he explained the Secretary of State’s cold-heartedness. “[Hillary] came over separately and talked. I gave her a hug, and she did not appear to be one bit sincere at all.”

Lastly, during an October 26 televised interview , Woods said of the president. “Was [Obama] one of those cowards in the White House watching my son being murdered on TV and refusing to do anything? That’s a question he probably won’t have the courage to answer publicly.”