lunes, agosto 15, 2016

Videos de Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders sobre Hillary Clinton antes y ahora. Además: Hillary Clinton se muestra en sus propias palabras

Videos de Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders sobre Hillary Clinton antes y ahora. Además:  Hillary Clinton se muestra en sus propias palabras

Published on Aug 2, 2016
OBAMA ON HILLARY IN 2008: "Hillary is corrupt, out of touch. She takes money from lobbyists and huge corporations on wall street.
OBAMA ON HILLARY IN 2016 at his DNC speech: " Hillary has a long track record of fighting big money on wall street, and there is no one more fit to be president.

Obama on Hillary Clinton in 2008 vs now in 2016


After Calling Hillary Clinton ‘Unqualified’ For President, Bernie Sanders Endorses Her

Hillary steals the nomination from Bernie then laughs

Published on Jul 25, 2016
La compra de Bernie Sanders: Jane Sanders : "They don't know that your name is being put in nomination,that's their concern"


Hillary Clinton vs. James Comey: Email Scandal Supercut

Hillary Clinton lying for 13 minutes straight.