sábado, octubre 29, 2016

El FBI investigará de nuevo a Hillary Clinton por los emails desde su cuenta privada

 Published on Oct 28, 2016
¿Cómo afecta a la candidata a la presidencia Hillary Clinton el anuncio del FBI sobre la reapertura de la investigación de sus correos electrónicos? El analista político Guillermo Martínez ofrece su visión.

¿Cómo afecta a Hillary Clinton la reapertura de investigación de su servidor privado?

El FBI investigará de nuevo a Hillary Clinton por los emails desde su cuenta privada

Published on Oct 28, 2016
En una carta dirigida a varios miembros del congreso, incluyó el siguiente aviso: "Estudiando un caso no relacionado, el FBI se ha percatado de la existencia de unos emails cuya investigación considera pertinente. Les escribo para informarles que el equipo de investigadores me informó de esto ayer y estoy de acuerdo con que el FBI debe dar los pasos apropiados para que se examinen estos correos y se determine si contienen información clasificada, procediendo a evaluar su relevancia".

En la misma misiva, Comey indica que "aunque el FBI no puede todavía evaluar si este material es significativo o no, y no puedo prever cuánto tiempo puede tomarnos completar este trabajo adicional, creo que es importante actualizar a su Comité acerca de nuestros esfuerzos".

La noticia está circulando por las redes sociales y la prensa internacional empieza a hacerse eco de la noticia.

WikiLeaks Shows WH And DNC Coordinated With Clinton To Rig Primary

Published on Oct 27, 2016

Video Transcript:

ED HENRY: What appears to be or flat out is coordination between the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee before Hillary Clinton even announced that she was running for president. Remember, the White House in December of 2014 and the Democratic National Committee insisted they were neutral in this entire race. We learned later that wasn’t true, now we are getting even more evidence. An email between Robby Mook and Cheryl Mills. These are obviously two very senior aides to Hillary Clinton.

December 2014, “I will definitely have a conversation with her once Simas [David Simas the political director at the White House] gets Debbie Wasserman Shultz and Amy, [her chief of staff], aligned. I also went to get her help on Iowa planning next week."

Planning about the Iowa caucuses in December of 2014? The Clinton camp working with the Democratic National Committee and the White House? This suggests they rigged this long before Hillary Clinton even announced. And it draws the White House in. Because David Simas is mentioned throughout this email exchange. And so the White House keeps saying, for more than a year they were neutral in the race, they were working with Hillary Clinton’s camp. The context here is they were working on hiring someone to focus on general election planning efforts. Fine, the White House wants a Democrat to be elected in the general election. We get that. The White House, the DNC were working with the Clinton campaign. This is now revealed for all the world to see.

Hillary Clinton’s Server Admins Refuse To Answer, Repeatedly Plead The Fifth