Es un blog diario digital conformado con los artículos, opiniones, ensayos, etc. del Catedrático universitario Lic. Pedro Pablo Arencibia Cardoso sobre diferentes temáticas de la problemática cubana, actual e histórica, así como por noticias y artículos de otros autores que se consideran de gran interés para profundizar en la realidad cubana.
domingo, agosto 05, 2018
Venezuela. Drones detonaron explosivos en acto militar cuando Nicolás Maduro estaba hablando
Nicolás Maduro, nuevo recordista mundial de velocidad !!
Venezuela's Maduro fine after drone attack interrupts speech
Drones detonaron explosivos en acto militar cuando Nicolás Maduro estaba hablando
Mary Greeley
Published on Aug 4, 2018
Drones loaded with explosives detonated close to a military event where Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro was giving a speech on Saturday, but he and the rest of the government escaped unharmed in what information minister Jorge Rodriguez said was an “attack” against the leftist leader. Seven national guard soldiers were injured, Rodriguez added.
Venezuela president Maduro unharmed after drone attack
Nicolas Maduro target of drone 'attack,' but unharmed in Venezuela
Infos News
Published on Aug 4, 2018
Drones loaded with explosives detonated close to a military event where Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro was giving a speech on Saturday, but he and the rest of the government escaped unharmed in what Information Minister Jorge Rodriguez said was an "attack" against the leftist leader. Seven National Guard soldiers were injured, Rodriguez added.
A broadcast by Maduro was cut short during an outdoor speech at a military event in Caracas and soldiers were seen running before the televised transmission was cut off.
While Maduro was speaking about Venezuela's economy, the audio suddenly went and he and others on the podium looked up, startled. The camera then panned to scores of soldiers who started running, before the transmission was cut.
Venezuela is living under the fifth year of a severe economic crisis that has sparked malnutrition, hyperinflation and mass emigration.
Last year, rogue police officer Oscar Perez hijacked a helicopter and fired at government buildings in what he said was an action against a dictator. Perez was hunted down and killed by Venezuelan forces in January.
A National Guard captain, Juan Carlos Caguaripano, early last year attacked a military base with a group of current and former military officials. He was captured soon after.
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Libro de Pedro Pablo Arencibia: Paradigmas Psicopedagogicos y caminos de la Investigacion Matematica en la Ensenanza de la Matematica Universitaria y Media
Lo he ojeado, aqui y alla; es conmovedor. humano. Tardare en leerlo de tapa a tapa. Comprendo que es holistico, lo que me parece admirable, meritorio, politica, experiencia humana, Matematicas, Ciencias, y tambien ¨very scholar. Una combinacion unica. Gracias. B.M.
“Marco Rubio a Donald Trump: Te diré lo que es un buen acuerdo: que Cuba sea libre
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Licenciado en Matemática Pura en la Universidad de La Habana (UH) y Catedrático universitario con 24 años de experiencia en la docencia universitaria cubana; posee la Categoría Docente Principal de Profesor Titular universitario. Fue expulsado el 29 de enero de 1997 del Instituto Superior Pedagógico de Pinar del Río ( universidad de perfil formativo o pedagógico) por motivos políticos. Activo colaborador desde su fundación de la revista VITRAL y del Centro Católico de Formación Cívica y Religiosa (CFCR) de la Diócesis de Pinar del Río. Colaboró en Cuba con las organizaciones opositoras: Todos Unidos, Asamblea para Promover la Sociedad Civil en Cuba y con el Consejo Unitario de Trabajadores Cubanos (CUTC).
Paul Echániz
La verdad que la Cilia está de madre. Bueno, bastante bien que pega con Maduro.
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