sábado, octubre 08, 2016

Juanita Broaddrick quiere sus acusaciones de violación contra Bill Clinton sean escuchadas. Hillary Clinton y Bill Clinton personas con pasados turbios en lo relativo al respeto hacia las mujeres. YOKO ONO: “I HAD AN AFFAIR WITH HILLARY CLINTON IN THE ’70S”. "Great for LGBT"


 ‘Grab ’em by the P*ssy’ Hot Mic Catches Donald Trump Saying Vulgar Things About Women

Donald Trump Issues Statement On "Grab Them By The Pussy" Video Hammers Hillary Clinton And Her Kind


Donald Trump Appears With Bill Clinton Accusers Before 2nd Debate Press Conference

Published on Oct 9, 2016
Before tonight’s debate, Donald Trump held a bit of a mini-presser with Paula Jones, Kathy Shelton, Juanita Broaddrick, and Kathleen Willey to make statements in support of Trump and against Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton. Remember, Jones, Broaddrick, and Willey have all made sexual assault and rape allegations against the former president. The only one there with no allegations against Bill Clinton was Shelton, who was there to denounce Hillary Clinton for once defending her rapist. And this happened hours before the debate.
Watch above, via Facebook.Donald Trump Appears With Bill Clinton Accusers. Ahead of US presidential debate, Donald Trump appears with women who accuse Bill Clinton of sexual assault.

Published on Oct 6, 2016
Bill Clinton Gropes Stewardess on Plane With Cameras Rolling, Bill Clinton can be seen putting his hands in between the legs of either a campaign assistant or flight attendant.


Nota del Bloguista de Baracutey Cubano

Los problemas de Hillary Clinton van mucho más allá de la no entrega de los emails supuestamente perdidos y  los ¨síntomas del conflicto de intereses entre la  condición de (ex) Secretaria de Estado   y la Fundación de su marido¨.
Algunos otros problemas (pero no todos, para no cansarlos) de la señora Clinton:
  • Su participación, junto al Presidente Barack H. Obama, en llevar a cabo la Primavera Árabe que desestabilizó aún más al Medio Oriente.
  • Sus mentiras bajo juramento ante el Congreso, las cuales han sido mostradas mediante los hallazgos de e mails que ella suponía desaparecidos o eliminados. Sus mentiras  en sus discursos son tantas que harían un largo rosario.  
La campaña de Hillary Clinton ha tirado piedras sobre palabras dichas, en privado y  entre hombres,  por Donald Trump en el año 2005  respecto a  cómo ¨ligar¨ mujeres y cómo en una ocasión  esos recursos fallaron con una mujer casada, La campaña de Hillary no ha tenido en cuenta que tanto Hillary como Bill Clinton  tienen un frágil y muy extenso  tejado de vidrio con relación al respeto hacia la dignidad de la mujer. Donald Trump habla y alardea, mientras que los Clinton accionan;  dos ejemplos de lo anterior son:
  •  Años después, Hillary se burla y jacta de que un  defendido de ella cuando ejercía como abogada  había violado a una menor de 12 años y, sin embargo,  ella logró que cumpliera solamente dos meses de prisión.
  • Bill Clinton ha sido acusado de varias violaciones; entre ellas la de Juanita Broaddrick
A continuación información sobre esos dos hechos y otros relacionados:

Pro-Hillary CNN Panel Embarrassed By Old Truth From Hillary Clinton’s Anti-Women Past

Published on May 10, 2016

Video Transcript:

While discussing who would win the women's vote, a Trump supporter brought up a horrific story from Hillary Clinton's past.

KAYLEIGH MCENANY: Newsday reported on a 1975 rape case in which Hillary Clinton blamed the victim. 101 when you're dealing with rape cases - don't blame the victim. She blamed a 12-year-old girl, a sixth grade, 12-year-old girl of seeking the attention of older men and fantasizing about being with older men. There's audio…
ANDERSON COOPER: We haven't corroborated any of this, so I just think you should be very…
MCENANY: It's widely reported. It's widely reported.
COOPER: Widely reported? So is the National Enquirer widely reported. Widely reported doesn't mean anything. Not on this network, I would point out.
MCENANY: OK, well there's an audiotape where Hillary Clinton laughs about the defendant in this case.
HILLARY CLINTON: He took a lie detector test! I had him take a polygraph, which he passed, which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs.
ROY REED: How did it turn out?
CLINTON: Oh he plea bargained! Got him off with time served in the county jail. He'd been in the country jail about two months.
MCENANY: So she has a long history - not with respect to her personal life, but with respect to her legal work - of demonizing sexual assault victims. Women will not like this, it's going to be put in an ad and Hillary Clinton is going to suffer for that.
CNN tried to save face and challenge the validity of her comments.
ANGELA RYE: As an attorney, I am really just flabbergasted by some of the allegations that we're just tossing out here. We have to be accountable.
MCENANY: Listen to the audio!
MARY CATHERINE HAM: Hold on! Kayleigh is right about the audio. The audio was broken by the [Washington] Free Beacon more than a year ago. It was from the Clinton library, it was dug up by a reporter there so there is actual evidence here of her speaking about this.
RYE: The full breadth and depth of what's been said tonight though, is not. So what I'm saying to you is that I think that we still have to be careful with our words. And I think that we can still run great election coverage and have a great debate on real tangible issues.
"Careful with our words?" You mean change the subject? Are Hillary's actions from the rape case as well as her involvement in Bill Clinton's rape allegations damning to her character as a potential president?

Juanita Broaddrick quiere sus acusaciones de violación contra Bill Clinton sean escuchadas

Broaddrick ha dicho durante décadas que Bill Clinton la violó. Hoy en día, es una espina en el costado de los progresistas, entre ellos Hillary Clinton, que dicen que las víctimas de violación tienen derecho a ser escuchadas.

 Nicole Boliaux para BuzzFeed News

Esta nota es solamente un pequeño resumen con los puntos más importantes del artículo de Katie J.M. Baker para BuzzFeed News . Lee la noticia completa aquí

• Juanita Broaddrick, de 73 años, ha dicho durante décadas que Bill Clinton la violó. Hoy en día es una espina en el costado de los progresistas, entre ellos Hillary Clinton, que dicen que las víctimas de violación tienen derecho a ser escuchadas.

• La decisión de Broaddrick de hacerse escuchar este año también es un regalo del cielo para los conservadores que siguen tratando de atraer a las mujeres votantes a favor de Donald Trump. Broaddrick insiste en que no está motivada políticamente, pero ha dicho que votará a Trump y esto ha dañado su credibilidad con el público.

• Los derechistas pueden tener una agenda, pero al menos ellos dicen que creen en las acusaciones de Broaddrick, lo cual es todo lo que siempre quiso. “La gente que dice que lo sienten es muy respetuosa”, dijo Broaddrick a BuzzFeed News, “pero cuando alguien dice, ‘Yo te creo’ es lo que mejor me hace sentir”.

• Poco después de que el tweet viral de Broaddrick fuera noticia a principios de este año, la línea “tienes el derecho a ser escuchado” fue quitada de una cita de Clinton en la página de “violencia sexual en los campus universitarios” de su sitio de campaña.

Katie Baker is a national reporter for BuzzFeed News and is based in New York.
Jessica Lima es editora de BuzzFeed Español y trabaja desde Nueva York.

Is Hillary Clinton a lesbian? Email investigation reveals Hillary's "love" letters

Published on Jun 2, 2016

Bill Clinton's former lovers Sally Miller and Gennifer Flowers, Larry Nichols, heck even Bill Clinton himself says so. Does it even really matter? I think the fact that she is under Federal Investigation for Emailgate and is no doubt the single biggest National Security threat America faces is far more important than what Hillary does with the multitude of lesbian lovers she no doubt has had. We go through the statements, interviews, and images that allude to the fact that she is indeed a lesbian. So if God for bid she was elected she would not only be the first woman President but also the first lesbian President. Which is fitting because Barack Obama is more than likely the first gay President.