Es un blog diario digital conformado con los artículos, opiniones, ensayos, etc. del Catedrático universitario Lic. Pedro Pablo Arencibia Cardoso sobre diferentes temáticas de la problemática cubana, actual e histórica, así como por noticias y artículos de otros autores que se consideran de gran interés para profundizar en la realidad cubana.
domingo, octubre 23, 2016
Video. JULIAN ASSANGE EXPOSES HACKERS AREN’T RUSSIAN, THEY ARE DEMOCRAT WHISTLEBLOWERS. Julian Assange, WikiLeaks, seems to suggest on Dutch television program Nieuwsuur that Seth Rich was the source for the Wikileaks-exposed DNC emails and was murdered
Julian Assange seems to suggest on Dutch television program Nieuwsuur that Seth Rich was the source for the Wikileaks-exposed DNC emails and was murdered.
ELDER PATRIOT – When Seth Rich was found shot in the back in the early morning hours on a Washington street it was reported to be a result of a robbery. The problem with that story was Rich’s money, his wallet and his watch and phone were still on his body.
The 27 year-old Rich was a DNC staffer who had joined the Democratic Party because he had believed that the Democrats actually want to use government to help people. As he learned that the party he admired was actually nothing more than a crime syndicate masquerading as political party that cares about the people, he decided to go to the FBI with what he had learned while he worked at the DNC.
He was murdered on his way to that meeting. Assange felt threatened enough by Rich’s assassination to allow himself to be interviewed about it
Julian Assange told his interviewer, “Whistleblowers go to significant efforts to get us material and often very significant risks. As a 27 year-old, works for the DNC, was shot in the back, murdered just a few weeks ago for unknown reasons as he was walking down the street in Washington…
When the interviewer interrupted him to press him on what he was suggesting Assange responded, “I’m suggesting our sources take risks and they are, they become concerned to see things occurring like that.
Silencing snitches by organized crime families, or the silencing of whistleblowers by corrupt political machines is done to discourage others from coming forward. Assange made that clear in this video.
The recent avalanche of emails, obtained legitimately or not, has made it obvious to everyone except Hillary’s true sycophants that the Clinton Democratic machine (aka the Clinton crime syndicate) will stop at nothing to gain control of the United States treasury.
Hacer CLICK encima de la imagen para ir al sitio donde puede leer sin censura TODOS los numeros de la revista Bohemia desde 1910 hasta 2013
Libro de Pedro Pablo Arencibia: Paradigmas Psicopedagogicos y caminos de la Investigacion Matematica en la Ensenanza de la Matematica Universitaria y Media
Lo he ojeado, aqui y alla; es conmovedor. humano. Tardare en leerlo de tapa a tapa. Comprendo que es holistico, lo que me parece admirable, meritorio, politica, experiencia humana, Matematicas, Ciencias, y tambien ¨very scholar. Una combinacion unica. Gracias. B.M.
“Marco Rubio a Donald Trump: Te diré lo que es un buen acuerdo: que Cuba sea libre
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Licenciado en Matemática Pura en la Universidad de La Habana (UH) y Catedrático universitario con 24 años de experiencia en la docencia universitaria cubana; posee la Categoría Docente Principal de Profesor Titular universitario. Fue expulsado el 29 de enero de 1997 del Instituto Superior Pedagógico de Pinar del Río ( universidad de perfil formativo o pedagógico) por motivos políticos. Activo colaborador desde su fundación de la revista VITRAL y del Centro Católico de Formación Cívica y Religiosa (CFCR) de la Diócesis de Pinar del Río. Colaboró en Cuba con las organizaciones opositoras: Todos Unidos, Asamblea para Promover la Sociedad Civil en Cuba y con el Consejo Unitario de Trabajadores Cubanos (CUTC).
Paul Echániz
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