Es un blog diario digital conformado con los artículos, opiniones, ensayos, etc. del Catedrático universitario Lic. Pedro Pablo Arencibia Cardoso sobre diferentes temáticas de la problemática cubana, actual e histórica, así como por noticias y artículos de otros autores que se consideran de gran interés para profundizar en la realidad cubana.
sábado, octubre 15, 2016
WikiLeaks encontró email sugiriendo a los ayudantes de Hillary Clinton que escondieran emails procedentes de Obama y hacia Obama para que Barack Obama no quedara como MENTIROSO cuando en 2015 negó conocer la existencia de un servidor secreto de Hillary
WikiLeaks Found Email Suggesting Clinton Aides Hid Emails To And From POTUS (Presidente Of The United States)
Published on Oct 14, 2016
Video Transcript:
Flashback to last year when President Obama denied knowledge of Hillary’s secret server.
STEVE KROFT: Did you know about Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server?
KROFT: While she was Secretary of State?
On Friday, Ed Henry reported that Hillary’s campaign chair asked to withhold emails corresponding with President Obama.
HENRY [PODESTA]: “Think we should hold emails to and from POTUS? That’s the heart of his executive privilege. We could get them to ask for that. They may not care, but [it] seems like they will.”
Look at the timeline, that is on March 4. What was going on then? On March 3, the day before that, Republican Trey Gowdy issued a subpoena demanding that Hillary Clinton preserve all of her emails and other records. Fast forward to March 20 that same month, 2015. Trey Gowdy demanded that the server be turned over. On March 22, two days after Gowdy asked for the server, there’s some email exchanges about the president and Hillary Clinton meeting together at the White House. Then later in March, after those meetings on March 20, later in March, thousands of emails were deleted by that IT firm in Colorado that was overseeing the server. A few months later Hillary Clinton of course, at that news conference says, “I don’t know anything about wiping a server.”
The State Department spokesman acknowledged there was a “concern” that those email exchanges not be made public.
JOHN KIRBY: I’d have to double check on that but I believe with correspondence with the president - I don’t know if it was executive privilege but there was a concern that those emails not be made public.
REPORTER: Is there a reason why?
KIRBY: Again, I don’t have the chapter and verse in front of me but I think it’s some form of executive privilege. I’d have to get back to you on what the exact wording is.
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Libro de Pedro Pablo Arencibia: Paradigmas Psicopedagogicos y caminos de la Investigacion Matematica en la Ensenanza de la Matematica Universitaria y Media
Lo he ojeado, aqui y alla; es conmovedor. humano. Tardare en leerlo de tapa a tapa. Comprendo que es holistico, lo que me parece admirable, meritorio, politica, experiencia humana, Matematicas, Ciencias, y tambien ¨very scholar. Una combinacion unica. Gracias. B.M.
“Marco Rubio a Donald Trump: Te diré lo que es un buen acuerdo: que Cuba sea libre
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Licenciado en Matemática Pura en la Universidad de La Habana (UH) y Catedrático universitario con 24 años de experiencia en la docencia universitaria cubana; posee la Categoría Docente Principal de Profesor Titular universitario. Fue expulsado el 29 de enero de 1997 del Instituto Superior Pedagógico de Pinar del Río ( universidad de perfil formativo o pedagógico) por motivos políticos. Activo colaborador desde su fundación de la revista VITRAL y del Centro Católico de Formación Cívica y Religiosa (CFCR) de la Diócesis de Pinar del Río. Colaboró en Cuba con las organizaciones opositoras: Todos Unidos, Asamblea para Promover la Sociedad Civil en Cuba y con el Consejo Unitario de Trabajadores Cubanos (CUTC).
Paul Echániz
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