domingo, diciembre 11, 2022

Video: Presentación del libro de Susan Eckstein titulado Cuban Privilege: The Making of Immigrant Inequality in America

 Nota del Bloguista de Baracutey Cubano

Susan Eckstein PhD en la  presentación de su libro  Cuban Privilege: The Making of Immigrant Inequality in America ¨vino a por lana y salió trasquilada¨.

Programa de una televisora ANTES de hacerse la presentación del libro en la FIU:


9 de diciembre 2022

Cubanos en Miami dicen que el libro “Privilegio Cubano” fomenta el odio al exilio

Univision Miami

12 de diciembre 2022

“Es un insulto”: críticas y protestas ante presentación en FIU del polémico libro 'Cuban Privilege'


Wenceslao Cruz

9 de diciembre de 2022

Presentación del libro de Susan Eckstein Cuban Privilege: The Making of Immigrant Inequality in America en la Florida Internarional University (FIU),  Apartir del instante 1: 00:00 comienza la sección de preguntas y respuestas donde intervienen, entre otros: Rafael Montalvo (Presidente de los veteranos  de la Brigada de Asalto 2506 que combatió en Bahía de Cochinos en abril de 1961) en (1:04:50); la relevante periodista Ninoska Pérez Castellón (1:08:27), Valdes-Hurtado Ph D (refugiada política cubana cuyo grado científico lo obtuvo en la FIU y actualmente está  jubilada como profesora universitaria) en (1:28:34).


Books & Books and the FIU Cuban Research Institute present…


in conversation with Orlando Gutiérrez-Boronat


Cuban Privilege: The Making of Immigrant Inequality in America

Friday, December 9, 7:00 PM | Herbert & Nicole Wertheim Performing Arts Center

Cuban Research Institute

School of International and Public Affairs

Florida International University

(305) 348-1991

About the Book:

For over half a century the US granted Cubans, one of the largest immigrant groups in the country, unique benefits. While other unauthorized immigrants faced many difficulties in their settling, Cuban immigrants were able to avoid penalties and have access to welfare benefits and citizenship status. This book is the first to reveal the Cuban community’s influence on the political map of the United States through the advantages that have been granted to them for many years. More importantly, it investigates immigration inequality among vulnerable groups and its overall politicization. Initially privileged to escape the Castro-led revolution in the throes of the Cold War, one US President after another extended new benefits, even in the post-Cold War era. Drawing on unseen archives, interviews, and survey data, Cuban Privilege highlights how Washington, in the process of Cuban immigration, was able to gain a new politically powerful force influencing national policy. Comparing the treatment of neighboring Haitians, the book discloses the biases embedded within US immigration policy.


About the Author:

SUSAN EVA ECKSTEIN is Professor in the Pardee School of Global Studies and the Sociology Department at Boston University. Specializing in social movements, rights and justice in, and immigration from, Latin America, she has single-authored, edited and co-edited nine books. She is the recipient of many fellowships, including from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, and the Radcliffe Institute.

About the Moderator:

DR. ORLANDO GUTIÉRREZ-BORONAT is an award-winning author, co-founder and spokesperson for the Cuban Democratic Directorate and community leader Dr. Gutiérrez-Boronat holds a PhD in the Philosophy of International Studies from the University of Miami, alongside graduate and undergraduate degrees in Political Science and Communications from Florida International University.

His family settled in the United States from Cuba in 1971 seeking freedom. In 1990, he co-founded Cuban American NGO, Directorio Democratico Cubano “Directorio” seeking human rights and democratic change in Cuba. In 2005, Gutierrez-Boronat launched Radio República, a radio station offering uncensored news and information to Cubans on the island that transmits every day via shortwave, and also through AM frequencies and social media.

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