lunes, noviembre 07, 2016

Video. FBI reitera que no hay razones para procesar a Hillary Clinton por manejo de correos electrónicos

 FBI reitera que no hay razones para procesar a Hillary Clinton por manejo de correos electrónicos

Conservative Texas Congressman  Louie Gohmert: ‘The FBI Can’t Prosecute Hillary Without Prosecuting Obama’ [VIDEO]

Hillary Clinton Song - "Dishonesty" A Parody of Billy Joel's "Honesty"

Nota del Bloguista de Baracutey Cubano


Algo muy extraño es que  el FBI tardó aproximadamente un año y medio revisando 30 000 correos electrónicos de Hillary Clinton. Ahora en nueve  días, después que se hallaron aproximadamente 650 000  correos electrónicos en una computadora que compartían Huma Abedin  (la principal asistente de Hillary Clinton) y su todavía esposo el congresista  Wiener (investigado por relaciones sexuales con una menor de edad),   el FBI se manifiesta  de manera  conclusiva sobre la investigación de esos varios centenares de  miles de correos electrónicos

Este bloguista se pregunta:
  •  ¿Qué hacían esos correos gubernamentales, muchos de ellos clasificados, en una computadora fuera del control y protección de los órganos del gobierno de los EE.UU. violando así las normas de seguridad establecidas?
  • ¿Huma Abedin tenía el permiso para tener acceso a TODOS esos correos electrónicos clasificados?
  • ¿Wiener, el esposo de Abedin,  tenía el permiso para acceder a las informaciones clasificadas  contenidas en muchos de esos correos electrónicos?

Hace tres días publiqué un post en el blog Baracutey Cubano  una nota del Bloguista  donde escribí lo siguiente antes de publicar  un  interesante video donde Michael McClaun, Jefe del Comité de la Seguridad Interna de los EE.UU.. (Homeland Security Commitee) expresó que lo de Hillary Clinton era TRAICIÓN.

Hace dos días en  el diario The Washington Times  apareció esta noticia:

“In my opinion, quite frankly, it’s treason,” said Mr. McCaul, Texas Republican.

Citing sources familiar with the FBI’s investigations, Fox News reported Wednesday that there is about a “99 percent accuracy” that at least five foreign intelligence agencies successfully hacked Mrs. Clinton’s private email server she set up to use as secretary of state.

Mr. McCaul said Mrs. Clinton “absolutely” would be exposed to potential blackmail from such countries if elected president.

También pueden leer  el excelente artículo  Los emails de Hillary Clinton y la Hermandad Musulmana, del intelectual francés Thierry Meyssan, presidente-fundador de la Red Voltaire y de la conferencia Axis for Peace. Sus análisis sobre política exterior se publican en la prensa árabe, latinoamericana y rusa. Última obra publicada en español: La gran impostura II. Manipulación y desinformación en los medios de comunicación (Monte Ávila Editores, 2008)

En ese artículo se lee:

¨ La investigación del FBI sobre los emails privados de Hillary Clinton ya no está relacionada con una negligencia en materia de normas de seguridad sino con un complot tendiente a sustraer a los servidores del gobierno federal todo rastro de su correspondencia. Esto parece incluir intercambios de mensajes sobre financiamiento ilegal o la corrupción de terceros vinculados a las relaciones del matrimonio Clinton con la Hermandad Musulmana y los yihadistas.
La reactivación de la investigación del FBI sobre los mensajes privados de Hillary Clinton ya no tiene que ver con un problema de seguridad sino con una serie de manejos que pudieran llegar incluso a caracterizarse como crímenes de alta traición.¨
BREAKING: Department of Homeland Security Chairman Officially Indicts Hillary Clinton Of TREASON
The Department of Homeland Security just went on the air with Fox News and told the American People that Hillary Clinton is guilty of treason.
In the damning announcement, Department of Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul revealed that Hillary Clinton clearly acted against the multiple security warnings she received while Secretary of State.
Furthermore, he went on to release that Hillary Clinton took multiple devices overseas. Not only that, these devices were proven to be hacked by China, Russia, and the Islamic State of Iran.
The intent is clear. Hillary Clinton used the secret server to hide her actions from the American People. She committed pure treason against the United States. Here is the full video:
States seek Homeland Security's help securing elections

Obama was also involved in the highly illegal email activity. He even used an alias to help protect his identity. FBI security experts easily cracked the alias, revealing hundreds of secret conversations between Obama and Hillary about foreign and domestic policy!
And now that the FBI has found massive evidence that Hillary used the Clinton Foundation to make millions, it means the email server was undoubtedly used to rob the American People.
What’s worse, Daily Mail  reported on the WikiLeak that Hillary and Obama’s Chief of Staff John Podesta were warned ahead of time of the impending investigations. Because of this, they were able to delete and acid-wash all of the 33,000 emails just 5 days before her trial!
The actions of Clinton go far beyond political corruption. They show a clear and decisive intent to destroy American Justice and Democracy. And it’s not just Hillary Clinton. Our very own Commander in Chief was involved the entire time.
Oh, and the Department of Justice is being led by Loretta Lynch, who secretly met with Bill Clinton on a landing Strip in Phoenix mere days before Hillary was acquitted! As of today, Lynch is being sued  to disclose the details of the meeting.
When the American Constitution was crafted, a very meaningful and necessary clause was added:
    “that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new government
We are now on the forefront of what our grandchildren will come to know as the Second American Revolution. The government is no longer of the people; instead, corrupt officials use citizens as pawns in a twisted game of death and destruction.
Truly, the fate of our nation will be decided in just five short days.
H/T: Conservative Daily Post

Louie Gohmert: ‘The FBI Can’t Prosecute Hillary Without Prosecuting Obama’ [VIDEO]

ByMatthew K. Burke
November 6, 2016

Conservative Texas Congressman Louis Gohmert is not at all surprised that FBI director James Comey let Hillary Clinton off the hook again on Sunday, stating that the “FBI can’t prosecute Hillary without prosecuting Obama” and that they’re “obviously not going to do that in this [Obama/Loretta Lynch] justice department.”

On the FOX Business Network with David Asman following the release of Comey’s latest letter to Congress, a letter that stated that conclusion he reached in July not to recommend indictment of Hillary Clinton would stand, Rep. Gohmert said Clinton is safe from indictment as long as she doesn’t criticize the Obama regime.

Congressman Gohmert said that Comey had to stave off FBI agents threatening to leave the agency by acting like he was going to investigate Clinton again, only to finally come to the rescue by effectively announcing two days before the election that “there’s nothing there.”

“The biggest loser here is the American people and the good FBI agents that want justice done,” Gohmert asserted.

Gohmert said that the only way for Clinton to be served justice would be for Trump to get elected and clean out the justice department of Loretta Lynch, who he referred to as the “defender-in-chief” and her ilk. Gohmert also said that the manner in which FBI director James Comey has dealt with the Clinton scandals means it’s also time for him to go.

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