13 Facts You Need To Know About Hillary’s FBI Investigation
October 29, 2016
Unless you live under a rock, you have now heard that on Friday afternoon FBI Director James Comey re-opened the investigation into Hillary Clinton regarding her use of a private email server during her time as Secretary of State. What you probably don;t know is the new details leaking out regarding the case, how new information was discovered and the potentially devastating impact it could have on the Clinton campaign just days before America selects it’s next President. The following are the key elements we know so far about the newly re-opened investigation. We will be continuously updating this article as new information breaks so be sure to read to the end…
1 – FBI Director James Comey sent a letter to Congress despite the objection of both Attorney

General Loretta Lynch and the Deputy Attorney General.
(Director James Comey)
It was recently leaked that Attorney General Loretta Lynch told FBI Director James Comey NOT to send the letter to Congress. It is worth noting that Loretta Lynch was involved with a highly controversial meeting with former President Bill Clinton on a tarmac in Phoenix Arizona only days prior to an impending announcement as to whether Hillary Clinton would be indicted. Her credibility as it relates to this investigation is hovering right around zero at the moment and news of her opposition to Comey re-opening this investigation is likely not to help her gain much credibility back.
2 – FBI Director sent a message to FBI employees on Saturday saying that the newly discovered emails “Appear to be Pertinent to our Investigation.”
James Comey emailed FBI employees in an effort to clarify what was happening with the bombshell announcement. The Email is below.
To all:
This morning I sent a letter to Congress in connection with the Secretary Clinton email investigation. Yesterday, the investigative team briefed me on their recommendation with respect to seeking access to emails that have recently been found in an unrelated case. Because those emails appear to be pertinent to our investigation, I agreed that we should take appropriate steps to obtain and review them.
Of course, we don’t ordinarily tell Congress about ongoing investigations, but here I feel an obligation to do so given that I testified repeatedly in recent months that our investigation was completed. I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record. At the same time, however, given that we don’t know the significance of this newly discovered collection of emails, I don’t want to create a misleading impression. In trying to strike that balance, in a brief letter and in the middle of an election season, there is significant risk of being misunderstood, but I wanted you to hear directly from me about it.
Jim Comey
3 – Huma Abedin is currently No Longer Traveling with Hillary Clinton
It has been reported that Huma Abedin, who finds herself at the center of this story, is no longer traveling with the campaign. While her whereabouts are unclear it may be the case that she is

“lawyering up” in preparation for what could be a lengthy legal process with the FBI. Generally Huma is never more than 10 feet away from Hillary Clinton and so her immediate disappearance does raise questions.
4 – Donald Trump has narrowed polls to 2% Nationally
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are separated by only two percentage points in a new Washington Post-ABC News tracking poll, ending a week in which the race has tightened as core Republican groups have returned to Trump’s fold.
Likely voters split 47 percent for Clinton and 45 percent for Trump, according to the survey conducted Monday through Thursday. That’s little changed from a 48-44 split in the previous day’s tracking results, which covered Sunday through Wednesday, but it is a substantial tightening since last weekend when Clinton led by a wide margin. This poll DOES NOT factor in the latest bombshell reports of the FBI reopening its investigation.
5 – The New Emails were discovered through the FBI Investigation into Disgraced Congressman Anthony Weiner
The Federal Bureau of Investigation announced that it is examining emails that the Bureau considers “pertinent to the investigation” of Clinton’s server—months after declaring that she wouldn’t be prosecuted for any crimes in connection with that email system. Odder still, the messages in question were found on electronic devices that belong to top Clinton aide Huma Abedin and her disgraced and estranged husband, former congressman Anthony Weiner. An individual familiar with the FBI’s

review told The Daily Beast that the emails are large in number, but it’s not yet clear that any of them contain classified information.
(Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton)
6 – Trump has Called This Bombshell “Bigger Than Watergate”
Donald Trump praised the FBI’s decision to evaluate new emails in its investigation of Hillary Clinton at a rally Friday, calling the inquiry “bigger than Watergate.”
At a rally in Manchester, New Hampshire, Trump announced the additional emails to a raucous crowd cheering “lock her up, lock her up.”
“Hillary Clinton’s corruption is on a scale that we have never seen before. Perhaps finally justice will be done,” Trump said. In the past, he has criticized the Department of Justice for not charging Clinton after an extensive investigation into her email system, which Comey said mishandled classified information.
Trump has previously suggested that Abedin was a security risk because of Weiner’s proclivity for sexting with strangers.
“Huma Abedin, the top aide to Hillary Clinton and the wife of perv sleazebag Anthony Wiener [sic], was a major security risk as a collector of info,” Trump tweeted last August.
7 – Both Clinton and Trump are Demanding the Release of all Newly Discovered Emails
Hillary Clinton last night demanded the FBI disclose all the information it had on the latest batch of emails after the bureau’s director, James Comey, announced the reopening of its investigation into her use of a private server. Donald Trump, who has eaten into Mrs Clinton’s poll lead over the last few days, was swift to seize on Mr Comey’s decision to resurrect his investigation.
Mr Trump accused Mrs Clinton of trying to politicise the investigation by accusing Mr Comey of only sending his letter to Republican leaders in Congress. It was also sent to senior Democrats, he said.
“The FBI would never have opened this investigation unless it was the most egregious criminal offense.”
8 – Hillary Did Not Find Out Until Hours After the News Broke as her Plane did not have Wifi
Pretty much everyone was caught by surpriseon Friday afternoon when it was revealed that the FBI is once again investigating Hillary Clinton and her private email server. This includes Clinton herself, as well of her staff–who were on an airplane with no internetwhen the news broke.
According to Clinton’s advisors and aides, they were notified about the investigation at the same time the rest of the world was.
9 – Paul Ryan has Demanded that Clinton Stop Receiving Classified Information Briefings
In response to the FBI’s announcement that it is reviewing emails related to its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private server, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) renewed his call Friday for James Clapper, the U.S. director of national intelligence, to suspend briefings for the Democratic nominee.
“Yet again, Hillary Clinton has nobody but herself to blame,” Ryan said in a statement. “She was entrusted with some of our nation’s most important secrets, and she betrayed that trust by carelessly mishandling highly classified information.”
Ryan said the FBI’s decision was “long overdue,” given what he called Clinton’s “reckless use of a private email server, and her refusal to be forthcoming with federal investigators.”
“I renew my call for the Director of National Intelligence to suspend all classified briefings for Secretary Clinton until this matter is fully resolved,” Ryan said.
Ryan had technically never stopped calling on Clapper to suspend Clinton’s briefings, but he saw fit to reaffirm that call after FBI Director James Comey offered a vague announcement Friday that his agency is looking at new emails tied to the investigation of Clinton.
10 – Comey Told FBI Employees that the Election and the Timing Forced His Hand…
FBI Director James Comey told his bureau that he broke with custom in alerting lawmakers that the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server was being reopened because of its political sensitivity.
In an internal memo obtained by Fox News, the beleaguered director noted that the FBI typically would not communicate with the public when reopening a case, according to a Department of Justice source. But Comey said he had to in this case because Clinton is seeking the White House in an election on Nov. 8.
“Of course we don’t ordinarily tell Congress about ongoing investigations, but here I feel an obligation to do so given that I testified repeatedly in recent months that our investigation was completed,” Comey wrote. “I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record.
“At the same time, however, given that we do not know the significance of this newly discovered collection of emails, I don’t want to create a misleading impression,” Comey’s letter continued. “In

trying to strike that balance, in a brief letter, and in the middle of an election season, there is significant risk of being misunderstood, but I wanted you to hear directy from me about it.”
(Anthony Wiener)
11 – The New Emails were Discovered on a Laptop that Huma and Anthony Weiner Shared
This new evidence relates to how Abedin managed her emails. She maintained four email accounts—an unclassified State Department account, another on the clintonemail.com domain and a third on Yahoo. The fourth was linked to her husband’s account; she used it to support his activities when he was running for Congress, investigative records show. Abedin, who did not know Clinton used a private server for her emails, told the bureau in an April interview that she used the account on the clintonemail.com domain only for issues related to the Secretary’s personal affairs, such as communicating with her friends. For work-related records, Abedin primarily used the email account provided to her by the State Department.
Because Clinton preferred to read documents on paper rather than on a screen, emails and other files were often printed out and provided to her either at her office or home, where they were delivered in a diplomatic pouch by a security agent. Abedin, like many State Department officials, found the government network technology to be cumbersome, and she had great trouble printing documents there, investigative records show. As a result, she sometimes transferred emails from her unclassified State Department account to either her Yahoo account or her account on Clinton’s server, and printed the emails from there. It is not clear whether she ever transferred official emails to the account she used for her husband’s campaign.
12 – Watergate Journalist Weighed in Saying FBI Would Not re-Open Investigation For Nothing…
CARL BERNSTEIN: Well, there’s no question that the e-mails have always been the greatest threat to her candidacy for president, that her conduct in regard to the e-mails is really indefensible and if there was going to be more information that came out, it was the one thing, as I said on the air last night, actually that could really perhaps affect this election.
We don’t know what this means yet except that it’s a real bombshell. And it is unthinkable that the Director of the FBI would take this action lightly, that he would put this letter forth to the Congress of the United States saying there is more information out there about classified e-mails and call it to the attention of congress unless it was something requiring serious investigation. So that’s where we are…
Is it a certainty that we won’t learn before the election? I’m not sure it’s a certainty we won’t learn before the election.
One thing is, it’s possible that Hillary Clinton might want to on her own initiative talk to the FBI and find out what she can, and if she chooses to let the American people know what she thinks or knows is going on. People need to hear from her…
I think if she has information available to her from the FBI or any other source as to her knowledge of what these e-mails might be, hopefully she will let us know what they are and what is under discussion here.
Right now we’re all talking in a vacuum but I want to add here that in the last, oh, 36, 48 hours, there has been an undercurrent of kind of speculative discussion among some national security people that something might surface in the next few days about e-mails, and I think the expectation in this chatter — and I took it as just chatter but informed chatter, to some extent — was that it would relate to another round of WikiLeaks e-mails, which our Justice Department people seem to be saying is not the case, but there has been some noise in the national security community the last day or two of this kind of possibility of some kind of revelation.
But this is her achilles heel and we have to remember that it also comes on the — back to the word heel — of the revelations about the Clinton Foundation. So the confluence of all of this is bad for her as it stands now but with some knowledge she might be able to stop, turn things around, and give us some idea of what’s going on in a way we might not otherwise know, and also it’s very possible that some members of congress very quickly are going to get an idea of what these e-mails are, and what this is all about, and for whatever purpose put some information out there.
13 – The FBI Will Not Complete its Investigation Before Election
The number of emails discovered numbers in the “many thousands” . Nearly all commentators have agreed that there is virtually no chance that the FBI can evaluate everything with only days to go prior to election day. Therefor, it is possible that the FBI could conclude that an indictment should be made while Clinton is President-elect.
Etiquetas: Clinton, emails, FBI, Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, Wiener
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